Recycling industry sources estimate that less than 20% of aluminum pet food cans are recycled each year, compared to 54 percent of other aluminum cans. As a result, Friskies® and Fancy Feast® have created the Together We Can campaign, designed to educate cat owners about the recyclability of cat food cans and increase the total number of pet food cans recycled each year. See togetherwecanrecycle.com for more info.
Upcycling cat food cans
As part of this campaign, Purina has invited imaginative pet lovers, environmentalists, artists and celebrities to create cat-inspired art from empty aluminum Friskies® and Fancy Feast® cans. The art will be displayed at a one-night only RePURRposed Gallery Event in New York City. Check togetherwecanrecycle.com in April to see what the artists came up with.
Related Note:
What’s behind this disproportionate recycling rate when it comes to cat food cans? Is it feelings about the need to rinse the cans before placing them in the recycling bin? For some straight scoop on “Dirty Containers” and other recycling dilemmas, check out the great article, I Didn’t Know That was Recyclable!, over at earth911.com.