Fellow Graphic Alliance member John Emerson recently shared a wonderful free resource, a PDF booklet entitled Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design. The manual is intended to introduce advocacy organizations to basic principles and techniques of information design. It provides some excellent examples of designs from groups around the world in a variety of media. It also has tips, exercises, and even recommended free software packages to help groups develop their imagery.
Among the booklet’s many fine examples is the graphic below, designed by the landscape architecture firm Field Operations as part of an effort to convert an abandoned railway along the edge of NYC to a public park. These two timelines depict the likely succession of flora and fauna, and public usage, over the course of four years.

Visualizing Information for Advocacy was written and designed by John Emerson, Principal at Apperceptive LLC. It was coordinated and produced by the Tactical Technology Collective and funded by the OSI Information Program. This publication is Creative Commons licensed.
Download the full booklet at http://apperceptive.com/infodesign.pdf.