If you’re an introvert by nature, or just don’t enjoy small talk, you likely find much of today’s self-promotion and marketing advice difficult to follow. If so, you might be interested in the refreshingly honest perspective offered by Sacha Chua in her “Shy Connector” slideshow below.
In fact, I think much of her approach lends itself just as well to extroverts…
It’s not about selling yourself. It’s about helping others. It’s not about becoming popular. It’s about learning and sharing.”
That seems like good advice for anyone.
Check out Sacha’s presentation:
The supportive, empowering tone of Sacha’s presentation, and her “It’s OK to be an introvert” message, reminded me of this simple cartoon I drew a few years ago:

Nice drawing! <laugh>
Glad you liked my presentation. Thanks for sharing it with other people, and thank you for making a difference through design!