Emerging logo design trends for 2008

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already since I wrote about their last report (Logo design trends for 2007), but LogoLounge has again released their thought-provoking, mid-year report on trends in logo design. The report, written by Bill Gardner and published in the April issue of GD USA magazine, can be viewed in its entirety at gdusa.com.

The title, LogoLounge.com THE 2008 REPORT: MORE CLEAN and Less Green, reveals at least two of the “prevailing winds” identified at the start of this year’s report, working to shape the 15 trends identified within. “We saw less emphasis on sustainability or general “greenness” in logo design. There’s plenty of natural imagery but being “green” doesn’t seem all that unique anymore.”, Gardner writes. He also observes, “There’s an overall move toward cleanliness — in type, in line, in color — as if ideas are getting more and more succinct. It may be an indication of the degree of seriousness with which branding is now regarded.” Also speaking to the rise in simplicity within today’s designs, Gardner writes, “Less is more common: less calligraphy, less Photoshop tricks, less artificial highlights.”

Could these “winds” represent a societal backlash against the current trendiness of touting one’s “greenness”? Are we pushing back or pushing forward? Or, are we just getting past green? Similarly, could the desire for simplicity in design be an expression of our desire for simplicity in other parts of our complicated world? Or, are designers not an accurate mirror of the societies in which they work, making these question ill-conceived?

Regardless of the answers to the questions I’ve posed above, or of any outside influences that might be driving a move toward simplicity and away from the oft-overused software-generated effects, I, for one, am pleased to see it.

Deep questions aside for the moment, let’s get back to the matter at hand. Gardner identifies 15 trends within his report. He gives each of these trends a brief moniker, with some requiring a bit more explanation than others. For these explanations, the context, and the all-important visual examples of logos within each trend, I recommend reading the full report. Nevertheless, here they are in nitty-gritty list form:

  1. Supernova
  2. Fine Line
  3. FoldOver
  4. Global Expansion
  5. Loops
  6. Jawbreakers
  7. Strobe
  8. Nimbus
  9. Stitch
  10. Colorblind
  11. Amoeba
  12. Facets
  13. Doodles
  14. Flourish
  15. Fibrous
    1. Never underestimate the power of a planted seed:



Katie Lopes

Very useful information was found here, thank you for your work.

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